My Portfolio
I'm Adam Rentz, a recent graduate with an M.S. in Technical Communication from Missouri University of Science and Technology. During my time there, I was exposed to a variety of communications-related challenges through the positions that I held while earning my degrees that have helped me understand how to effectively communicate to specific audiences. These included the creation of websites and webpages, newsletters, media, professional documents, infographics, and more. On this website, samples of my work are showcased along with accompanying background information.
Below, you'll find my resume. Use the navigation menu at the top of the site to view some samples of work that I have created for different communications tasks and needs. If you'd like to reach out to me, please use the contact information shown on my resume. You can also find this information at the bottom of this page.
The window below contains my resume. To view the resume as a .pdf file, click on the image or on the following link: Rentz Resume SM 2024.pdf
If you would like to reach out, please use the contact information listed below.